
Family History Packets

When I began this project, my goal was to collect every ancestral photo, document and story I could lay my hands on, and make them available to every member of the family so no one would feel left out, or harbor resentment...... wondering "Whatever happened to such and such picture" etc.   

After all, in this day and age, there is just no excuse for not sharing this kind of material.  (Sadly some do not feel this way, but maybe one day they'll share).

So I put together photo albums, but our the pictures kept coming in.  So I began scanning and restoring and created two CD Roms full of everything.  I also produced a couple of DVDs with narrated slide shows and home movies. 

Each Family History Packet contains the following:

1Photo album with Ancestral photographs
2 DVDs
2 CDRoms (containing around 600 pictures as a backup and for copying as well as the entire binder content)
1 Binder containing: Obituaries, Family Tree Chart, DVD Guide, Family History Documents, Wills, Letters etc.

I couldn't afford to gift this to everyone, but I could do a large number...so I handed out these family packets to my siblings, Cousins and Uncles with the proviso that it became THEIR responsibility to share (copy and or gift/bequeath) this material with THEIR kids.   That way everybody wins. 

I will do replacement Discs if yours are lost or damaged but beyone that I will only ask for you to cover the costs if you want me to do these for your kids.   I think that's fair...at least I hope it is.

Family members pitched in and contributed far beyond what I had hoped and now we have an amazing collection that is still growing!

If you want a Family History Packet (entirely free for parents) email me at kellygroce_40@yahoo.com  & put "FAMILY HISTORY" in the subject!

We have an amazing family!